Luke 22:42, "Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done."
Do we realize what the means to say, not MY will, but YOURS be done. God called us out of death by paying the price for our souls on the cross with his son. Imagine the agony, the torture, of Jesus on the cross, the blood. I cannot fathom the anguish that Jesus felt on the cross, yet His anguish brings me joy! It brings me joy to know that I am saved by the blood of the Lamb, the one who fulfilled centuries of prophecy, who was nailed to a tree, for my very life. I tremble to think, I wonder how I take for granted this blood shed for me everyday, and pray for mercy to the God who cared enough to save me from an eternity of sin and hell.
I am justified through the Cross, by grace, through faith, and He beckons me from the Cross to my knees, so that I may be at a loss for words, and humbled in surrender to His will. I am continually amazed as the multitude of Jesus' sacrifice for me is revealed. I am sweetly broken for the man who saved my life, my first love. The truth is, I want you to know this as well. I want you to rejoice in your salvation through Jesus Christ, and repent of the sinfulness which we all take part in. We are empowered by the Spirit and we have victory in ALL things. Victory through Jesus Christ. And in this knowledge, I am invited to rejoice, in ALL things. I rejoice in my salvation through Jesus Christ and his death on the cross, for me, and for YOU. My prayer is that we would ALL know Him, for he is merciful, righteous, he loves justice, and and He is faithful, unyielding, and above all, loving. I see the work of the Lord in my life, in the woman I've become, how he's blessed me with community, and 2 churches who love me and support me. Come to Christ, investigate Him, find Him. His love is unfailing, He created you, He wants to know you, intimately. Come to your Creator. Fall in love once again. Know that I love you, and that this is my prayer for your life.
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