I have had many different conversations about video games with different people. As we all know, men love them, women tend to not like them, some women do, but I digress. I think that the big difference between the way men and women respond to video games is because of the way we were made to interact socially. Women are generally speaking, much more intuitive and social in the way which they interact with people. Women like to have deep conversation and talk about issues going on in each other's life. Men, however, have a tendency towards the opposite. Please understand that this is not a negative connotation towards men and the way they interact socially. I am merely stating the observations which I have made around my male friends when they play video games, and as a women I can assert how women react.
Men have a tendency to shy away from the deep interaction, socially being shallow in a way. I have observed that men would rather play games or do something to take their minds off the serious matters in life than talk about the issues going on in one another's lives. So, because of this wonderful invention called video games, it affords to opportunity for people to get away from reality and focus on the television or computer for hours upon hours of "down time". This is bad for the way we interact with other people in different social situations.
Children who spend all of their time playing video games spend more time honing their hand-eye coordination than developing a personality. As children we soak up knowledge through interaction and by this we learn who and what we are in this world. We learn about the world, not through video games, but through touching, sensing, feeling, hearing, etc. Video games dull these senses to the point that we lose our ability to absorb and process the social interactions that we have. Our minds become overloaded because of the lack of interaction that the child receives. So, to sum this up, I think that video games dull our senses and the senses of children who spend their lives interacting with a computer rather than real people.
I'm not completely opposed to video games, but I think that it's important for parents and college students, etc. alike to realize the negative effect that can and has begun happening to our society via these computer generated graphics. However, perhaps I'm wrong and men bond more during this opportunity than I have previously believed. Who knows...
I think you have observed the difference between boys and men.
Biblical men are to be having deep conversations about Christ and what is truly happening in their life; however, men should have these conversations with other men and not women. I don't know for sure, but I would hope and suppose that these men are having deep interaction, but only with other men as they are seeking to honor and guard the hearts of women.
I don't know if I agree with you when you say that men shouldn't share what is truly happening in their life with women. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that it's essential to one another as believers in order to encourage and build one another up. I think that in the context which I wrote this blog entry ( a long time ago), it was in reference to a certain household of men who I knew fairly closely. So, while I understand what you're saying, I don't know if I necessarily agree with it. Although, I do appreciate how you try and guard the hearts of women around you in this manner.
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