Thursday, April 17, 2008

Don Coleman's Talk on Genesis- Notes

He began with the story of a freshman from VT who went to be with the Lord and about her testimony. Her name was Rachel. 18 years old and dedicated to the Lord.

Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning, God"
Tip of the year, that every moment of your life would begin with "in the beginning, God". Wow. 

Love will cause a revolution, if we really do that (in reference to the environment that Intervarsity tries to provide)
If you're a passionate follower of Jesus Christ you should be broken now. Our world is looking for a beginning. A world that fills us with life now, not life in Jesus.  No! "In the beginning, God!" Dang.

If you want to be a follower of Jesus Christ, at some pt. you have to decide what you believe. Whatever you are doing in your life begins with God. God created the Heavens and the earth. What would it look like to live your life like, "In the beginning, God?" 
-patient all the time
-read the Word
-talk to God everyday

You have to want Jesus, you have to want something real, and it starts with, "In the beginning, God". The original intent of God was that his spirit would come into the earth, that our god reigns, forever His kingdom reigns. Somewhere in between our busy life, we have lost sight of the fact that he wants his kingdom to reign in the entire earth. God wants you to be representing Him in your major, in your life after college. 

At some point, you have to realize that G0d wants to talk to you. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and end. He wants to give you direction in the beginning in the end of your life. 

All you see and all you don't see, God created. What else is there besides what you see and what you don't see. That's why in the beginning, God. God's got it all, but YOU have to let Him have it. And how much you yield to God is your choice. "For me to live is Christ, to die is gain."

Genesis 1:26-27 Basically, he made us in his likeness, in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female. What does it look like that my life belongs to God. John talks about spirit and in truth, who we are as spiritual beings who have come into contact with a Living God. A spiritual man eats the Word of God. Are we on a spiritual diet and losing weight spiritually. Are you not in His likeness because you aren't eating. 

People want to create a divine reality other than what they're created to be. But we're going around protesting instead of telling you that. God has a destiny and purpose for you. Human beings were created in the image of God! If God made it, it's probably best to take the broken instrument to God. 

The owner's manual of God tells us to take it back to the dealership, i.e. God to take it back to the owner. Go to the book, go to God. Dang!

Keep reading it even if you don't understand it. If you read it and don't understand it in a class, you can't tell your teacher that and put that on a test. You'll get an F. You don't want an F in life, do you?!
And so we ask Jesus for help. The Bible says to love one another and to live in peace with all people.

All of us serve the same Jesus. Obama's race speech? Race will not be changed by politicians. When we start living the gospel, then things will change.

Genesis 18: 22ish- Abraham will be blessed and his offspring will be blessed, all nations of the earth will be blessed through them. Abraham is the father of all of us who are saved through faith in Jesus Christ. We as the people of God, IV is here to bless this campus. 


Keep the way of the Lord so the Lord will bring about for Abraham what He has promised by doing what is right and just. The God of the Bible declares that we have to live according this book, it sets you free, it doesn't put you in bondage, but you have to choose to live it. We got some Sodom and Gomorrah. God saw the outcry and their sin was so grievous, he will see if what they have done is as bad as the people cried out. We need to stop turning and running and cursing people and stand and cry out to our God.

2 Chronicles-  I will hear their prayers and heal their land. Our God is big. The God of the Bible wants relationship with other people. But denominations aren't what God called for, for division. 

It is God's plan that we be a blessing to other people, it's always been God's plan. A blessing to the world. Not only to certain people. 

"Unchristian"- a book he recommends, statistics to validate the top 6 things they think about Christians:

1. hypocritical
2. too focused on getting converts (don't care about the person)
3. anti-homosexuals
4. sheltered old fashioned afraid of getting involved in people's lives
5. too political
6. judgmental 

We are the ones who will have to change it, so that people know John 3:16

Genesis 50:19 Vengeance is the place of God. wow. Worry not for me, I am in the place of God. 
His family sold him into slavery. 
Joseph ended becoming a tremendous leader and saved his entire family. 

Don Coleman believes that we have an opportunity to be a blessing to this campus and those who don't know God. They were all created by God in his likeness and we have to reach out a love him despite what they're doing and acting. 

At some point people have to forgive and say that vengeance is the Lord's. Like Joseph. We should treat them with love, we should be the ones standing the gap. I'm not going to judge people, I'm going to love people and demonstrate that God loves them and that he died for them. Amen. 

Bless ALL nations

Our God always intended that His people are to bless ALL nations. Be intentional and aggressive in how you love. 
Song: they should know that we are christians by our love

If someone did a survey of Intervarsity would love be in there? A love that comes out of us living in such a way that it demonstrates how to live a holy life. If we demonstrated that to them, then they'll respond with "hey man, can I get some of that?"

"In the beginning, God"
Every person you meet on this campus was created in the image of God
as followers, we are to live in such a way that they can be blessed by Him through us. 

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